Thursday, 15 March 2012

Seeing the Stars Inside

My crown chakra has been tender as all get-go for the past month or more. I've woken up to a lot in the past year but recently things have started to gear up. Pile up. Power in. It -is- overwheming at times but the test is of course to deal with that and still let ourselves expand. The growing process, just like the birthing process, is often painful and requires us to breathe deep and release. Butterflies don't come about without a huge amount of change and effort.

Point being, recently, I've been a little overly tender to the world around me. So much integration and processing on top of extra sensitivity. A lot of clearing and healing. I've been left raw and more open than I have been... possibly ever.

People still astonish me. Smiles from them fill me to bursting more often than not.

I shared this recently... take a moment and watch.

A friend of mine commented on how easy it is to forget this simple fact. That it's difficult to maintain an awareness of it. I responded that I find it very easy to maintain an awareness of it. He says I'm lucky.

Perhaps he is right or, perhaps I am a bit 'touched'. ;)
Either way, the point remains, he brought to my attention that I am probably aware of this far more often than the average person. Today I felt extra star-oriented.

I went to pick up my son from school and was walking through the yard full of parents seeing, so much. Looking at humanity with my senses open I see, inside everyone, the star-bit of their entity. And so much pain...

Is it any wonder that we hurt? That we are, in general, perpetually afraid and yearning for connection and reunion with the One? Borne of stars and brilliant fused brightness blown adrift into space shattered into tiny tiny bits and pieces.

Is it any wonder that each little star seed dreams of being fused to the great chorded one-ness that is? When we are aware of the song of the stars inherently within our selves, then, maybe, we will find a communion of peace amongst ourselves. There is so much to shed and so much to see and so many growing pains in between.

At least we have music to soothe us...