Those in the southern hemisphere are celebrating their Winter Solstice on this day and even beyond that, at least in Canada, today is also National Aborginal Day.
Following the path(s) I do, I find it quite suiting that the 21st of June was chosen as such a day and in my own way this year, I feel a bit like I have found my own way back to where I should be celebrating my own Aboriginal Day. Scotland is much more of the land of my bloodlines than Canada. But...
What do bloodlines mean when we are all made of stardust?
I lived nearly my entire life in the Yukon, almost all of my childhood on the shores of Marsh lake or in the woodlands there. The land there sang to me quite clearly. When I walked in the woods there I was connected to it all completely and tangibly. I have not been here long enough to feel that way and as beautiful as it is, it does not feel like MY land. I miss the midnight sun, the furry crocus, the lupines and labrador tea. I miss the wild rose bushes, the squirrels and Canadian Jays, Raven and Coyote and the bright blue sky against clay cliffs and birch spattered mountains. I miss the icy cold river of aquamarine and teal rushing beneath soaring Eagle who often stopped to peer at me from one eye and cry out with the sheer power of being. I miss the beaver ponds and the smell of the mountain rocks in the sun.

Today I am mourning the passing of The Yukon from my life because I do not think I will ever live there again and I miss it like I would miss a mother or a lover... or another life.
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